I enter this one every year. The prize isn't much, and if I gave a dollar to everyone who votes for me in order to win I would end up owing money to myself. You can vote everyday, and you don't need an email address.
It would be great if you vote for me. If you are a fan of photography, I know you will love the website. There are tons of great entries and as always I think about the talented circle that the contest brings me too. I am going to step it up next year definitely.
Let me tell you about this photo. So the bride is getting read in the Montage in Laguna Beach, CA. It is absolutely the most beautiful location ever. I love it. So her mom is on her knees behind her tying up the back of the corset gown, and her maid of honor is to the left just out the shot. Since the bride was standing in front of the window I thought I would take the opportunity to blow out the light and make it all about how beautiful her eyes were and how the veil fell across her eyes.
I think it is a personal favorite of mine because I got a tingle up my back when I heard the camera click. I couldn't believe it. The bride asked "Was it that good?" And then I showed it to her, and she said "Holly you are so amazing, I can't believe that is me."
Those are the moments I live for, as an artist, wedding photographer, and a fan of love.
Thanks for reading!