Absolutely the best part of life is the moments we have. I had a moment of a lifetime last night with my wedding photography and life inspiration Joe Buissink
I have been loving wedding photography since 2002. I fell in love with Joe Buissink's images and have always had a special place in my heart hoping that one day I would have him shoot my wedding.
In a short time his name would pop up everywhere and it seemed like I knew people who knew him. How lucky is that?
Joe’s photography is about capturing the moments, and the essence of the person in those moments. His work redefines wedding photography, and has been described as Fine Art by his most notable celebrity clients. Joe has become a world-renowned teacher in the photographic field. His teachings have taken him on an international platform from Japan and Australia to England, Scotland and Ireland, as well as in the United States. Joe has been profiled by Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, Lifetime Television’s Wedding of a Lifetime, and E!. His work is published regularly in InStyle Weddings, Grace Ormonde Wedding Style, and People Magazine. (Bio from his website)
I absolutely think that all of my photographic hopes came true when I was able to have a few private moments with him before his presentations began.
I hope to make him proud someday...
Lots of love and inspiration,

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